Top 3 Effective & Free SEO tools by Google

What's Up people, how are you all? I hope for the best...
Today, I came up with an interesting topic which is top 3 effective and free tools by Google for SEO. SEO is working on Get, Set & Go theme. Which is because getting some stuff putting that into work. If there is any problem. Setting it to work again, at last, going top to the top position in SERP. This is how SEO works and let's move to our top 3 tools...

Google Keyword Planner Tool

The Keyword Planner is a more focused version of the Google Keyword Tool and AdWords. With the help of this tool, we used to search suitable keywords for your website. In keywords, there are 2 types which are long tail keywords and short tail keywords.

Short tail keywords will be within 1 or 2 words, and about long tail keywords are beyond that. In the example, the phrase "Best Blogspot" is a short tail keyword. On the other hand, "Best blog spots in India" is a long tail keyword.

In that keyword planner tool, the main advantage is, it will show you the Average monthly searches, Competition, Avg. CPC (cost per click) and few more details about the keyword.

Google Webmaster Tool / Search Console Tool

As of May 20, 2015, Google rebranded Google Webmaster Tools as Google Search Console. This search console allows the user to check bugs, alerts, indexing issues, broken links and optimize visibility of their websites.

In this, you can check your sitemap and also can generate your robot.txt file. By using them you can confirm your ownership of your Website or Bolg.

Google Search Console

Google Analytics Tool

Google Analytics Tool is launched in November 2005 by Google. This Analytics tool is free and most world widely used web analytic service on the internet and it is playing a marvelous role in SEO's life, this whole thing is offered by Google.

In this tool, we can check complete web stats, search insights. In addition to that, tracking of your every visitor to your website or blog spot. Analytics also surfs that, people who are trying to reach your website or blog spot through keywords, those keywords also will show you to bookmark to your website.

If your website is not in good position then you need to approach Off-Page SEO optimization techniques and you have to be updated with trending SEO techniques. And also, you needed to follow Google Algorithms for how your content should be and with what rules you needed to go through.

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