My country with Humans, without Humanity...

Today, i read a news about RAPE. After reading that article it just killed my heart...then i thought that it's not the time to take the responsibilities towards the developing country. It's time to take the responsibilities towards saving Female...

On last Saturday, the guy named Sachin Shinde (26) raped her 5 years old daughter and the girl child's grandmother Anusaya Shinde, who allegedly strangled and killed the girl to save her son from the police case...

Can anyone even digest the fact that a 5 year old girl was raped by her own father that too in the safest place, of her own house and killed by her own grandmother...

The girl think's that his father is a king but, she don't know he only will kill life...

Nirbhaya case was closed down to justice a few days back when the rapists were given a death sentence...

Anyway the police officers arrested and will punish them. But, what about the child who will pay for this? and who is responsible???

I think, for the female safety purpose let's lock all the females in a locker? that is not the correct thing... and something is needed more. Creating awareness to those demons is not enough and it won't work at all...

Our country is not only a developing, corrupted but also humanity lost India...

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