Title Tag and H1 Tag Should be Duplicate?

Title Tag and H1 Tag

Title and H1 Tag Should be alike?

In the last post i have posted about Competitive Keyword Research for new Website, now i want to share something which is informative related to Title and H1 (header) Tags.

Most of the bloggers and webies are fed up about this tags can be same or not!!!

The answer is YES!!!

Because, Google News is looking for similar content, not for same content.

Actually, I like to utilize a more informative however shorter headline with my stories here and a more keywords based title so searchers who are searching for help with this issue can discover it in Google. However, regularly, the titles here and H1s here are reliable, possibly not precisely same.

For Example:


Title and H1 Tag Should be Duplicate?


 Title and H1 Tag Should be the same?

The main theme is Title Tag and H1 Tag can be Consistent but, not Identical. All this is to test and see what works for your site and your rankings and what will bring leads for your clients.

Summing up with this...

Ease of use - if title and H1 (Header) Tags are pretty much the similar, it's simpler for searchers to recognize the page they navigated to from the result pages as they found on the search engine because search engine result page utilize the title as primary result subject, though that subject instantly noticeable on the page is the header line, the title there is invisible as long as clients don't know exactly where to search for it. It might confuse searchers if title and header vary too much.

Keyword Prominence - it's obvious that it utilize similar keywords in titles and header's, basically in light of the fact that a single page ought to dependably characterize it's theme as precisely as could be expected under the circumstances, which implies there will dependably be just a few primary keywords any given page will be optimized for.

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